The Town of Blind River makes several planning forms and applications available online. You can download and complete necessary forms and submit them to staff at our municipal office along with necessary fees and documentation. Contact us if you need guidance on additional application forms.

Application requirements

Please ensure that your planning application is accompanied with:

Planning application fees

Fees are required for permits and certificates of approval, with rates set by permitting agencies. There is also an application processing fee for consents and other planning applications submitted to the Town. All fees are due at time of submission. We accept certified cheques, money orders, cash, credit or debit when paying fees.

Current fees and costs

View the list below to learn about current planning fees. HST is exempt from listed fees, unless otherwise stated.

"Plus costs" may include, but is not limited to, costs associated with advertising, postage, courier, photocopying, legal, surveying, telephone and/or fax.

  • Pre-consultation meeting - $300
  • Zoning By-law Amendment (plus costs) - $900
  • Minor Variance - $700
  • Official Plan Amendment (plus costs) - $1,700
  • Plan of Subdivision (plus costs) - $1,700
  • Site Plan Approval Application / Development Agreement (plus costs) - $1,200
  • Site Plan Amendments - $500
  • Removal of Part Lot Control (plus costs) - $550
  • Validation Certificate (plus costs) - $550
  • Deeming By-law (plus costs) - $400
  • Consent / Severance / Easement / Registered Right-of-way (plus costs) - $568 per lot
  • Property compliance letter - $80
  • Property compliance letter (expedited - one to two days) - $140
  • Site plan compliance letter - $80
  • Site plan compliance letter (expedited - one to two days) - $140
  • Zoning compliance letter - $80
  • Zoning compliance letter (expedited - one to two days) - $140
  • Any other planning application not listed above (plus costs) - $550
  • Printing of maps and schedules (24 in x 36 in) - $20.60 plus HST
  • Billboard sign annual fee - $150
  • Pole or pylon sign annual fee - $250

Please note, if any application involves a hearing before the Ontario Land Tribunal and your interest is averse to that of the Town, we require an additional fee to process the matter and forward material to the tribunal. We do not take any position if the fee is not paid. The amount to be determined by administrative staff is based on the anticipated costs of the municipality.

Additional commonly required permits and approvals

View some commonly required permits and approvals listed below for more information.

Communal systems

Communal septic and well systems generally require a servicing options and hydrogeological report based on an assessment of the specific circumstances. Communal septic systems generating effluent of more than 4,500 litres per day require a servicing options and hydrogeological report. Communal well systems for non-residential development may require a hydrogeological report.

Where communal services are proposed (water and/or sewage), the applicant must confirm, through a signed letter of acceptance, that the municipality or other public body would assume ownership and maintenance of these systems.

Crown lands

Certain areas of Crown lands are identified by the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry as being of special interest, such as lake access points. Contact us for assistance in dealing with planning issues related to proposals requiring the acquisition or use of Crown lands before contacting the Ministry regarding the actual acquisition or use of the land.

Entrance permits

Any consent application that is proposed in close proximity to a provincial highway or has the potential to impact a provincial highway requires an entrance permit from the Ministry of Transportation, issued under the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. Contact the Ministry for information on permit requirements.

Part 8 permit/certificate of approval for sewage system

Consents proposed on small, private sewage servicing systems, generating 10,000 litres or less of effluent per day on one lot, requires a Part 8 permit under the Ontario Building Code and issued by the Town or Algoma Public Health. We administer (through the health unit) Part 8 of the Building Code that sets out the standards for locating accepted kinds of sewage/septic systems on a lot.

Prior to issuing a permit, the health unit would inspect the property, may stake the septic system site and recommend whether a servicing options report and/or hydrogeological report is required. Consents proposed on larger sewage systems that generate more than 10,000 litres or less of effluent per day on one lot would require a certificate of approval from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Environmental Protection Act. Some larger private or communal sewage treatment systems are also subject to the Act (generally where there is a surface water discharge).

For more information on larger private or communal sewage treatment systems, contact the Ministry.

Permit for Alteration to Shoreline

If a proposed severance has the potential to impact heritage areas or alteration to a shoreline, a permit would be required from the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry prior to any site alteration(s) or erecting of structures. We advise you discuss the proposal with our staff first. We may direct you to the Ministry prior to making a formal application under the Planning Act.

Permit to take water

Section 34 of the Ontario Water Resources Act states that "no person shall take more than a total of 50,000 litres of water in a day" for wells or surface water supply without a permit issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

Record of Site Condition (RSC) for Contaminated Sites

Proposals for sensitive land uses on sites with potential soil contamination would require the completion of an environmental site assessment by a qualified person to determine the extent of contamination and to recommend actions for site remediation.

A change in activity, regardless of the zoning, could also trigger the need for an RSC as applicable by law under the Ontario Building Code. An RSC is required when changing from industrial, commercial or community use to a more sensitive land use, such as residences or schools.

For more information on contaminated sites, view Records of Site Condition, Part XV.1 under the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Brownfields Redevelopment, or contact the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.

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