half load announcement

Half loads will come into effect on March 4th, 2024. Effective Monday, March 4th 2024 until a date determined by staff when the restriction can be safely removed, roads within the Town of Blind River are subject to reduced loads.

During this period of time:

•        Vehicles are restricted to load limits of 5 tonnes per axle

•        There is limited truck and transport access to these areas

Reasons for weight requirements

In the spring, as frost comes out of the ground and moisture comes out of the road bed:

•        Roads become softer and weaker

•        Heavy loads on roads can cause it to sink and break apart, which can lead to permanent damage

•        Half-load restrictions are put in place to protect our roads and road beds from being damaged

•        Reduces the need of having to re-build a road after every spring thaw (that could get costly for our taxpayers)

About weight requirements

Truck operators travelling through the Town (not making local deliveries) are legally obligated to use only roadways designated as permissive truck routes.

All roads within the Town are subject to the weight and dimension restrictions as set out in the Highway Traffic Act. An Oversize/Overweight Permit is required for individuals or companies wanting to move loads that exceed Ontario Ministry of Transportation legislated limits on height, length, width, or weight. Exemptions will not normally be granted during the half load period except in most extreme of circumstances and then only when the load is not divisible.


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